Sunday, February 10, 2019

Creativation 2019

I just wanted to do a quick post about my trip to CreativatiON in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago.
It was amazing. There was 2 days of classes to start. I did classes with Darkroom Door, Graphic 45, 49 & Market, Faber Castell, Ranger for alcohol techniques, plus a few business related classes.
Then on day 3 the show floor opened. For someone who hasnt been there before It was mind boggling. 
I saw some amazing products and met some amazing people like Tim Holtz, Dina Wakley, Wendy Vecchi and Debbie Moore - there are a few photos below.
I have ordered some new products which I am looking forward to designing with when they arrive.

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Copictopia Design Team - Bunny Trails

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