Thursday, July 20, 2023

Book Nook Storage Stand - Dusty Attic Design Team

 Good morning all

Today I've turned the Book Nook #1 into a storage stand for my Dusty Attic Stencils

I've seen a few of the Dusty Attic design team members do some of the most amazing book nook projects over the past few months, so thought I'd do something completely different and turn it into something practical, and it is a perfect size for storing my Dusty stencils or Dusty chipboard

I started by adding the metal feet to each corner and the chipboard border strip across the bottom of the 2 long edges

I then painted the whole box, including the inside in this beautiful Duck Egg Chalk paint from artisan Paint, from Secon Time Round NSW. After painting it, I applied the gorgous transfers also from Second Time Round NSW

I then added a little bit of wax to the feet and chipboard border strips and edges of the box.

The box was then sealed to protect it.

To finish it off I added the metal handles on the sides, which have also had some silver was applied to them, And I had this title/quote chipboard, Live Beautifully... which I thought was perfect for the images on my box. I did go backwards and forwards a few times with the finish of these titles, and in the end I decided to just to keep them simple and white.

All of the chipboard pieces including the box can be bought through the Dusty Attic website:

Thank you


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Find The Beauty In The Everyday - Dusty Attic Design Team

 Good morning

I've gone back to a scrapbook page this time using one of my favourite paper brands, 49 and Market. It is the perfect complement for the Dusty Attic chipboard

The photo was taken in a night market in Bangkok about 5 years ago (just seems like yesterday), and I took the circular shape of the ferris wheel and the black and white photo as my inspiration

I started by painting and covering some circles from DA2462 Circle Medley. These were attached to the base page as my starting point to kind of reflect the circular shape of the ferris wheel in the photo

I then layered lots of layers of paper and collectables under and in and around my photo

Drawing inspiration from the black and white in the photo, I added some of the new film strips from 49 and Market, layered with the DA0934 Filmstrip chipboard, which I just very very simply inked with black ink

I then added the fairy lights, DA1362 Party Lights #2. These were coloured with a combination of gel pens both flat and metallic colours to give the shine of a light

To finish off the page I added the title "Find The Beauty in the Everyday", DA2020. I painted it with a bright pink and added some white gel pen accents

To finish it off I tucked in a few flowers and added some rub ons as a subtle background

All the chipboard products can be found at

Thank you again for following me



Copictopia Design Team - Bunny Trails

   Good morning Today I am using the Bunny Trail stamp set Again, I have kept the card very simple, but everything that is colour is copic m...