Thursday, January 19, 2023

A Girl and her Dog - Dusty Attic - Heather Woodall

 Hi all

I'm back again this month with another layout for you. For those who know my scrapping know that I do just a little bit of fussy cutting, and there is just a little bit on this page.

I love Dusty's range of puppy dog chipboard, almost as much as I love my puppy dogs, who you will get to see over the course of the year, so both my puppy Teddy and the chipboard were the inspiration for this page.

I started with the title DA2411 A Girl and Her Dog

I also had these very cute paw print chipboard DA2415 Paw Prints - Dog.

I also had some of the leaves (DA2688 Leafy Frame Set #3) left from my January 2023 mood board page. I have cut these down into smaller pieces and added in between the layers of fussy cut flowers on my page.

All of the chipboard was coloured in using my Prismacolour Pencils. I love to colour, whether it be with pencils, copic markers or paint, and am experimenting with different ways of getting colouring in/on to more of my projects. The larger chipboard is a great base to add colouring pencils to. The smaller paw prints on this one were a bit more of a challenge, but I love the end result and glad I persisted.

Thank you again for spending time with me. I hope that I have inspired you to think of new ways to embellish your chipboard this month.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Today's Memories are Tomorrow's Treasures - Dusty Attic - Heather Woodall

 Hi all

Happy New Year. I hope you had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Years, and managed to find some time to sneak in some crafting with your favourite Dusty products.

Well, here I am with my very first Dusty Attic project for you. I'm very excited to be a part of this amazing group of designers, thank you Jen and Jen for having me.

I've used the January 2023 Mood Board as my inspiration for this layout

I've used the leaves from DA2688 Leafy Frame Set #3. I have cut larger leaf in half to give this moon shape. I then did the same to the smaller leaf frame, and then cut one half into 2 pieces so that it would curve better - It's also a good way of making your packet of chipboard go further onto other projects. Also to give the illusion on your current project that there is more there than actually is.

I have also used the title DA2550 Today's Memories are Tomorrow's Treasure's in the gap between the 2 parts of the smaller leaf pieces

I have used my Prismacolour Pencils to colour in all of the chipboard on this page. And the title glossy accents applied over the "Today's" and "Are Tomorrow's" word sections

In behind the chipboard I've also used the stencil DA2666 Leave #4 as a template to trace around, and then have coloured in again using my Prismacolour Pencils

Thank you for looking at my project this month. I am looking forward to sharing many more with you this year.

Copictopia Design Team - Bunny Trails

   Good morning Today I am using the Bunny Trail stamp set Again, I have kept the card very simple, but everything that is colour is copic m...